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Wählen Sie aus einer Reihe von 5G-IoT-Smartlocks, die für Ihre Anlagen geeignet sind. Holen Sie sich noch heute eine zeitkritische vernetzte Zutrittskontrolle.

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Digital Keys 5G IoT smart doorlock

Cloud-based access control system

Upgrade your management efficiencies, reduce time and cost, and impress your guests with a connected access control system. Keep an eye on the areas where staff and guests are entering to ensure safety and security with real-time audit notifications and record keeping. Create digital keys for group check-ins instantly, and enable self check-in without the need for a 24-hour front desk reception. Bid farewell to lost keys, along with the expenses, risks, and hassles involved in managing traditional metal keys. You can also remotely unlock in our software by clicking one button, without the need to use a calendar to generate time-limited digital keys.

Digital Keys app in digital wallet style

Nowadays, almost every hotel has its own guest loyalty app with various offers, such as discount vouchers, hotel information, and booking discounts. However, not all guests are willing to download yet another app. By integrating digital keys into your guest loyalty app, guests will have an incentive to download the app as it will contain their digital key to their room, allowing them to conveniently self check-in with ease and increase guest loyalty and bookings, while saving costs on commission paid to OTAs. Guests can use time-limited Digital Keys which can be generated in seconds using our asset management software, or integrate our APIs to your PMS to automatically send emails to guests for room access anywhere. You can cancel digital keys anytime by clicking one button.

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Hotel Pool
Students Taking Exams
Hotel Exterior

Connected access without Wi-Fi/BLE

Our 5G IoT smartlocks make it easy to manage key handovers remotely for Airbnb's, holiday rentals, permanent rentals, short term leases and more. Unlike other smart locks, it doesn't require Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity. The smart doorlock is designed with an inbuilt SIM card that allows it to connect to the Global Mobile IoT network in 40 countries right out of the box. You don't need to set it up or configure any settings to start using it.

Secure your assets with the most trusted security

Our customers are doing great things with Digital Keys


Das Aruba Beach Resort ist das erste Resort in Australien, das die DIGITALKEYS-App installiert hat

"Das DIGITALKEYS-System ist so ein benutzerfreundliches System, jeder kann es einfach in die Hand nehmen und verwenden"

Gail Kennedy, Manager/Inhaber, Aruba Beach Resort (Aus)

Lesen Sie die Geschichte 


Gail Kennedy, Manager/Owner, Aruba Beach Resort (Aus)
Read the story 

Digital Keys unlocking
  • Warum sollte ich 5G IoT Smart Access bekommen?
    Sie können 5G IoT Smart Access überall dort verwenden, wo Sie ein Eigentum sichern müssen. Sie können den intelligenten 5G-IoT-Zugriff in Ihrem Haus, in Ihrem Büro, an jedem Arbeitsplatz, in Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen, für Lagerräume, für die Lagerung von Anlagen und Geräten, für Container, für Schuppen, für Hotels oder anderswo verwenden. 5G IoT Smart Access ist noch besser geeignet, wenn Menschen regelmäßig ein- und ausgehen. Der intelligente 5G-IoT-Zugriff kann mehr als nur Ihr Eigentum sichern, er kann auch zum Verfolgen von Personen, zum Gewähren des Zugangs zu Personen für begrenzte Zeiträume oder zur einmaligen Verwendung und zum Wissen und Kontrollieren, wer zu welcher Zeit wohin geht, verwendet werden. Es ist auch nützlich, wenn Sie keine Metallschlüssel mit sich herumtragen möchten!
  • Sind 5G IoT Smart Locks wetterfest?
    Wir arbeiten daran, den intelligenten 5G-IoT-Zugriff auf eine Reihe von intelligenten Schlössern zu ermöglichen, darunter wetterfeste/wetterfeste Schlösser, Schrankschlösser, Spindschlösser, Vorhängeschlösser und Schlösser für jede andere Verwendung. Ab Mai 2018 bieten wir ein Smart Lock für den Innenbereich zum Kauf an. Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail, um zu erfahren, wann neue wetterfeste Schlösser verfügbar sind, oder wenn Sie eine Anfrage für ein bestimmtes Schloss haben, das Sie mit 5G IoT intelligent machen möchten.
  • Wie sicher ist der 5G-IoT-Zugang?
    Ein Schloss muss die bestmögliche Sicherheit bieten, sonst kann jeder jederzeit in Ihr Eigentum einbrechen. 5G IoT ist ein neues sicheres Netzwerk, das speziell für die Kommunikation intelligenter Geräte entwickelt wurde. So stellen wir das sicherste Zugangskontrollsystem auf dem Markt bereit; 1. Das mobile Netzwerk selbst, zu dem 5G IoT gehört, ist ein vollständig verwaltetes Netzwerk mit ausgereifter und standardisierter Sicherheit, um die Berechtigung und Integrität aller darin laufenden Daten im Vergleich zu nicht lizenzierten Lösungen zu gewährleisten. ​ 2. 5G IoT als mobile Technologie wendet 3GPP-standardisierte Sicherheitsprotokolle auf Chipsatzebene an (3GPP ist die Organisation, die für die Verwaltung des Mobilfunknetzes verantwortlich ist). ​ 3. Zwischen den vertikalen Anwendungen, unserer Smart Access Management-Plattform, läuft die gesamte Kommunikation über HTTPs-Verschlüsselung nach Militärstandard, um Sicherheit auf Anwendungsebene bereitzustellen. ​Alle anderen Technologien und Netzwerke, die in Zugangskontrolltechnologien verwendet werden, haben sich in letzter Zeit als unsicher und hackbar herausgestellt. Um mehr über die Unsicherheiten anderer Technologien zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Seite; Warum 5G IoT Smart Access wählen.
  • How much is the digital keys app to use?
    Its free to use the digital keys app and to download from the online stores. The guests are not charged to use the Digital Keys app to unlock their doors.
  • Ist das 5G-IoT-Netz um mich herum eingeschaltet? Woher weiß ich, ob ich in Reichweite bin?
    Für den intelligenten Zugang zur Arbeit müssen Sie sich in Reichweite eines 5G-IoT-Mobilfunknetzes befinden. Auf unserer Netzwerkseite können Sie sehen, wo das 5G-IoT-Netzwerk eingeschaltet ist. Auch wenn Sie unsicher sind, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail. Wir können unser Gerät auch verwenden, um vor dem Kauf zu lesen, dass Sie an Ihrem Standort eine gute Signalstärke haben.
  • What are the opening methods of unlocking locks?
    We offer the following opening methods; smartphone unlocking via NB IoT network. Smartphone unlocking with smartphones that have NFC. NFC cards/tokens. PIN code. Metal Key override.
  • Wie funktioniert NFC in intelligenten 5G-IoT-Schlössern?
    NFC ist in unsere 5G-IoT-Smartlocks integriert. Sehen Sie hier eine Liste von NFC-kompatiblen Smartphones . Wir verwenden NB ioT, um unsere Schlösser für bestimmte Benutzer für bestimmte Zeiträume (mit einem eindeutigen ID-Code) zu programmieren, und dieser eindeutige ID-Code kann dann auf NFC-Token kopiert oder von NFC-Telefonen an das Schloss gesendet werden (wenn es innerhalb von 2-5 Zentimeter) des zu öffnenden Schlosses. In einigen Fällen kann die Telekommunikationsgesellschaft spezielle SIMs mit einem sogenannten „sicheren Element“ bereitstellen, sodass Sie Ihre Türen immer noch mit Ihrem Smartphone öffnen können, wenn der Akku Ihres Telefons leer ist. Für normale Benutzer, z. B. zu Hause, empfehlen wir die Verwendung von NFC-Token, z. B. NFC-Stickern, die Sie auf Ihr Smartphone kleben können, oder einen NFC-Ring (damit Sie Ihre Schlüssel nie vergessen und ausgesperrt werden)
  • Do all phones work with digital keys?
    Yes, digital keys works with any phones that can have apps. You just need to download our FREE apps from the online stores to use NB IoT smart locks and digital keys.
  • Funktioniert 5G IoT Smart Access auch mit Schlüsselkarten?
    Ja! Unsere intelligenten 5G-IoT-Schlösser funktionieren auch mit NFC-Schlüsselkarten und funktionieren fast genauso wie ein typisches Schlüsselkartensystem. Aber so viel billiger und ohne die Keycard-Netzwerkinfrastruktur vor Ort. Sie können auch NFC in Ihrem Smartphone verwenden, um es einfach zu entsperren, anstatt es über das 5G-IoT-Netzwerk zu entsperren (für den regelmäßigen täglichen Gebrauch, z. B. zu Hause). Eine aktuelle Liste von Smartphones, die NFC unterstützen (täglich aktualisiert), finden Sie hier
  • Do I have to have a phone and know how to use apps to unlock doors?
    No. You can use a variety of opening methods such as numberpads, keycards, NFC tokens such as rings, bracelets, and you can unlock in our software too. You can also make the digital keys/tokens work for selected time periods too and send them to the NFC tokens. You can also add a widget to your home screen and just click on that to unlock your lock. For some NFC phones with some special SIM cards, you can unlock with NFC even when your phone battery is dead.
  • Do I need to have Wi-Fi/Broadband on my property?
    No. The system uses Narrowband technology and NFC. Narrowband is currently being rolled out across the world on the existing mobile phone towers. However if you don’t have Wi-Fi on site, your guest’s with iPhones will need to use their mobile data to use digital keys (iPhones don’t have NFC). Its only around 20 bytes per unlock. The message to unlock the doors needs to go up the cloud and into the NB IoT network via the Telco's mobile network. Users with Android phones only need to use NB IoT network to program the locks in advance, and then you can use NFC on the phone locally to unlock the locks.
  • Passen Ihre 5G IoT Smart-Schlösser an meine Tür?
    Bitte überprüfen Sie unsere technischen Spezifikationen für jedes unserer 5G IoT Smart-Schlösser, um zu sehen, für welche Türtypen/-dicken sie passen. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
  • How do I know if the locks are running out of battery?
    A battery level status is included in our software, and can be added to your customerised apps. The lock can also beep regulalry when the battery levels are low. We will also send push notifications to your phone when battery is running low.
  • Wie einfach ist es, 5G IoT Smart Locks zu installieren? Ist es DIY?
    Ja. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Installationsanweisungen für jedes unserer Smart Locks auf unserer Website unter 5G IoT Smart Locks. Sie können selbst basteln, wenn Sie die Installationsanweisungen befolgen und wenn Sie mit Werkzeugen vertraut sind. Wenn Sie mit Werkzeugen nicht vertraut sind, können unsere Partner die Installation der Schlösser für Sie arrangieren. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, um die Installationskosten bei unseren Partnern zu erfragen.
  • Can I use metal keys in the traditional way as well as digital keys?
    Yes, all the smart locks used in our system have a metal key override. We suggest, however, that the metal key be used only in case of emergencies, as our system will not be able to provide the live audit for use with metal keys.
  • Wie funktioniert 5G IoT Smart Access für Hotels?
    Nachdem ein Gast wie gewohnt eine Buchung vorgenommen hat (ob über das OTA, die Hotel-Website, das Telefon oder die Hotel-App), kann er digitale Schlüssel verwenden. In der Hotel-App wird der digitale Schlüssel automatisch in die App heruntergeladen. Für alle anderen Buchungen passiert Folgendes: Nach der Buchung extrahiert unser System (über APIs) die Buchungsdetails wie Name, Uhrzeit und Datum der Check-in-Details, E-Mail-Adresse und weist diesen Details eine zufällige eindeutige ID zu, z. B. 567 890. Diese ID wird dann in unserer Cloud-Datenbank gespeichert und dem Gast per E-Mail zugesendet (zum Zeitpunkt der Auswahl durch das Hotel, zB 24 Stunden vor dem Check-in). Wenn die Check-in-Zeit kommt und der Gast seine Tür aufschließen möchte, sendet der Gast die ID über die digitale Schlüssel-App (Wi-Fi 3G, 4G oder NFC-verschlüsselt) und die Datenbank an unsere Cloud-Datenbank vergleicht die Sendezeit mit der in den Buchungsdetails gespeicherten Zeit, und wenn sie übereinstimmen, wird ein Entriegelungsbefehl über das NB-IoT-Netzwerk an das Schloss gesendet und das Schloss entriegelt. Bei Buchungen in der Hotel-App wird der digitale Schlüssel automatisch in die App heruntergeladen. Um den digitalen Schlüssel für Buchungen an einem anderen Ort zu erhalten, muss der Gast einfach die Buchungs-/Check-in-Referenznummer kopieren und in die digitale Schlüssel-App in seiner Bestätigungs-E-Mail einfügen (zusammen mit Anweisungen zum Auffinden des Zimmers in der E-Mail). und dann erscheint der digitale Schlüssel.
  • Does it integrate with small hotels systems?
    Yes. We can charge you a small connection set-up fee to do the integrations for you however, we need your PMS/Channel Manager/booking engine to provide us with some details before we can do this such as an API. If your current PMS/Channel Manager/booking engine cannot provide us with the details we need, then you’ll have to choose our already integrated booking engine/channel manager/PMS. The current PMS/booking engine/channel managers we have include; Wubooks; more to come soon.
  • Do I need to have a hotel app to get this?
    No. Your guests can download the Universal Digital Keys app from the online apps stores anytime. The Universal Digital Keys app will work with any NB IoT lock anywhere, and is available now on the link here. The Universal Digital Keys app for Android will be available soon. The FAQ title can be adjusted in the settings tab of the App Settings. You can also remove the title by unchecking its checkbox in the settings tab.
  • Can I get a customerised hotel app for my hotel?
    Yes, we can provide you a quote to build an app for your hotel.
  • Do I, the hotel, have to pay each time a digital key is generated?"
    No. There is no per use fee for digital keys. We charge a very small monthly/yearly subscription fee to use the system as often as you want - this will be provided to you in your quote depending on how many rooms you have. This fee is cheaper than the monthly, yearly subscription fee to use the software for making keycards in RFID systems. We have to charge this fee to cover the use of our cloud servers for hosting the system and for the connection of the NB IoT network provided by Vodafone
  • How do I allocate rooms with this system?
    Just the same way you do now in your PMS. After you allocate a room the guest can receive their email with their digital key and instructions on how to use their digital key. If you would like to offer guests to choose your rooms, please tell us about this in the set-up questionaire, and we can set this up for you. E.g for Bed and Breakfasts say with three rooms, with names for rooms, we just let the guest choose the room name in the booking
  • When do the guests get their digital key?
    Its up to you the hotelier, to decide. You can request to have the digital key sent out on the morning of the check-in (in confirmation email) after you allocate rooms in the morning. You can set up the system to automatically allocate rooms at the time of the booking, and distribute the email with the digital key at the time of booking. You can set it up for automatic send of the email within 24 hours of the booking (with automatic random room selection). You can give a digital key at the reception desk if you like. Its totally up to you the hotel to tell us in the set up questionnaire.
  • Do guests need to be connected to the internet?
    Only iPhone users need to have Wi-Fi or mobile services on to use digital keys. We recommend you send out Wi-Fi log in details in the confirmation email, so your guests can connect as soon as they arrive on site to use digital keys. For example they can still go straight to their room and use digital keys with the Wi-Fi name and password. Android users with NFC (most NFC Android phones) won’t need to use Wi-FI or mobile data to use digital keys.
  • Can I integrate Digital Keys into my own hotel app that already exists?
    Yes. We provide you with the app templates, and instructions on how your IT department can integrate digital keys into your app.
  • Does digital keys work with, or other OTA's? ​"
    Yes, you can use our API to integrate your Channel Manager to NB IoT Smart Access
  • Can I close by reception desk when I install your system?
    Yes. It all depends on the set-up, and your property size. You can select to set up the system for complete automation, or partial/remote automation, so that you won’t need to staff an onsite reception desk to check people in. Of course our system enables a 24/7 virtual check-in desk, and self check-in system, we can’t do your cleaning or other services for you!
  • What happens at check-out with digital keys?
    The digital keys will stop working at precisely the time of your check-out. For example, the digital key will work at 9:59 am, but stop working at 10:00am. You can set this for one hour later than your check-out time if you like to give your guests a few minutes leeway. After check-out the guest simply leaves, and their digital key will stop working.
  • Do guests have to stop at the check-in desk?
    No, they can go straight to their room, and open their room door with their digital key on their app.
  • Can I make the guest stop at the reception desk for their digital keys?
    Yes. You can generate the digital key and send it directly to the guests phone/app at the reception desk.
  • Can I also use keycards in the traditional way?
    Yes, you can. Our system is also a keycard system.
  • What happens if the system stops working?
    You can call the 24 hour support line and we can troubleshoot with you the problem and attempt to fix it.
  • What about cancellations?
    You can simply cancel the existing digital key or keycard anytime by logging onto the digital keys management platform and hitting the cancel digital key (cancel booking) button. Immediately the digital key will be removed from the guests phone (the unlock icon literally disappears off the screen.
  • How do I know who opened the door at what time?
    By simply logging into our digital keys management platform with the log in details we provide you on set up, and clicking on the live audit button in the menu.
  • Can I get the live audit sent to my phone?
    Yes, please notify us of this in the set-up (we will send out a set-up questionnaire after the purchase of the product.
  • How often do I have to change the batteries?
    The battery life of our NB IoT smart locks is around 1.5 years (around 5 activiations a day) with standard AA batteries. Using special IoT batteries can increase this battery life by around a year, or using D batteries can extend battery life up to 4-5 years. Please get in touch with us to learn about which locks use which batteries. Please check the lock technical description pages to learn more about each individual locks battery life, and what types of batteries they use.
  • How much mobile data is used on guests iPhones?​
    Not much – only a few bytes each time they need to unlock the door. If the iPhone user guest does not want to use mobile data, and you don’t have free onsite Wi-Fi, then we suggest providing them with a keycard.
  • Does the system work on common doors?
    ​ Yes. Please tell us the common doors on your property in the set-up questionnaire.
  • How much does it cost?
    Unlike RFID systems, and Wi-Fi/BLE systems, there are no set-up costs, or any onsite infrastructure costs to use our system. The locks become internet connected with SIM cards, and tiny modems inbuilt into the locks. All our locks come with SIM's and 2 years connectivity. Our locks are available for purchase through our distributors and re-sellers, and they will give you a quote for the costs of our locks depending on volume. Please send us an email to get in touch with our distributors.
  • How much does it cost to install?
    This will be provided in the pricing quote from your local distributor/local installer. Generally the locks can be replaced in 10 minutes per door – but this needs to be confirmed by the local distributor/installer.
  • Wie viel pro Tür für intelligente 5G-IoT-Schlösser?
    ​ Dies hängt von der erforderlichen Hardware und Software ab. Im Allgemeinen liegen die Kosten zwischen 200 und 300 US-Dollar pro Tür (dies kann je nach Volumen und Art der Hardware mehr oder weniger betragen).
  • Do I have to change my locks?
    Not necessarily. In many cases yes. But in large hotels with existing RFID keycard systems, there may not need to be a need to change the locks, but this will be determined by the local distributor at the time of the visit/quote. If you would like to know if you need to change the locks, please send us an image and details of your existing electronic locks.
  • Can I use digital keys with phone bookings or walk-ins?
    Yes, you simply need to do the same process you do now for this. You can then choose if you want to allocate the room and the digital key immediately, or at the time of check-in.
  • Can I use the system with wristbands/waterproof tokens?
    Yes. Our system works with a range of NFC tokens from wristbands, to stickers, to badges. Please tell us what you want to use in the set-up questionnaire.
  • What type of locks does it work with?
    Please see our NB IoT smart lock page. Generally the locks work with any 3.6V and 6V electronic mortise locks. If you have a special lock hardware, you would like NB IoT smart access to integrate with, please send us an email with the details, and we’ll try to accommodate your requests.
  • Can I use digital keys for group bookings?
    Yes. Please allocate rooms for groups in the same way you do now, and then send all the digital keys (in the form of the check-in/booking reference number) and room numbers in one email to the group organiser. Big savings in having to manually make new keycards everytime by hand
  • Kann ich 5G IoT Smart Access für mein Zuhause oder mein Büro verwenden?
    Ja, Sie können NB IoT Smart Access überall dort verwenden, wo Mobilfunkempfang besteht.
  • Can I use digital keys for group bookings?
    Yes. Please allocate rooms for groups in the same way you do now, and then send all the digital keys (in the form of the check-in/booking reference number) and room numbers in one email to the group organiser. Big savings in having to manually make new keycards everytime by hand.
  • How does it work from a technical point of view?
    You will be given an organisational admin account, by which you can manage users in the organisation. Each user can be added by the admin and be appointed to different roles(e.g. admin, internal staff, visitors etc.) and assigned to different groups(e.g region A, region B etc.). Each new user will also be able to register themselves from the mobile app, and choose their roles and groups in the organisation. But their information will not be added to database before they have their their email/phone number and role verified from the head account administrator. Admin account can create digital keys(location, valid period) for groups of people or individuals. Digital keys will be automatically synced on relevant users on mobile app once they're created. Each user can also submit Digital Key Creation Request to backend for individuals or groups of people to backend, but it will not be valid before admin person approves it. The Mobile app a. mobile app uses the conventional registration -- email/phone number/password login to authentication and identify users. b. The mobile app will use secured connections to invoke our backend APIs. The API will issue an HS256 encrypted and time-sensitive token to the mobile app. c. Apart from an access token, there will not be any sensitive data stored on app. This is to eliminate the hassle of inputting login details every time they open the app. Access token will use AES-256 encryption, and the decrypt key is hidden in the app's binary data with code obfuscation to prevent from decompiling. Jailbroken devices means "root user" will be available for all application, and they can do anything on the system in theory. We are not responsible for any problem arises due to devices being jailbroken. d. Yes, SSL/TLS is used whenever possible. On site process Step one: launch the app, tap on the corresponding digital key(synchronised automatically with backend). An unlock command will be buffered. Step 2: activate touch button(or the metal part of the device) to wake up lock and establish communication with cloud. Step 3: buffered command is sent and device unlocks. Entire process takes a couple of seconds. If there is no action after step one, command will expire in 60 seconds(as default).
  • If a guest is bypassing the front desk, how do I get their ID?"
    A ‘take ID’ function can be added to the app, and emailed to the hotel. It can also be suggested in confirmation email, that the guest send their ID to the hotel. It can also be suggested that the guest stops at the reception desk at anytime during their stay to give a copy of their ID. The Terms and conditions can state that by making the booking, agree that the person staying is over 18. The guest can be asked to send their ID during the registration process for the first time with the guest loyalty app.
  • Does the system work with elevator controls?
    This feature is coming soon.
  • Wann werden 5G IoT Smart Locks zum Kauf verfügbar sein?
    ​ Sie können jetzt vorbestellen, indem Sie uns eine E-Mail senden. Das intelligente 5G-IoT-Zugangskontrollsystem wird im März 2022 zum Kauf und zur Installation verfügbar sein.
  • Verwenden 5G IoT Smart Locks Wi-Fi?
    Nein. Wir verbinden uns mit 5G-IoT-Modems/-Modulen und SIM-Karten mit dem Internet, sodass wir kein WLAN verwenden müssen. Wenn Sie Entsperrbefehle über das 5G-IoT-Netzwerk senden, können Sie 3G/4G oder Wi-Fi auf Ihrem Telefon verwenden – es sind nur 10–20 Byte. Sie müssen nur 3G, 4G und Wi-Fi verwenden, um von einer App oder von der Smart Access Management Platform aus per Fernzugriff zu entsperren. Wir können das 5G-IoT-Netzwerk auch verwenden, um das Schloss für begrenzte Zeiträume zu programmieren, sodass Sie NFC-Karten und -Token verwenden (wie ein Schlüsselkarten-Zugangskontrollsystem verwenden) oder Türen mit Nummernblöcken entriegeln können. Die meisten Android-Telefone verfügen über NFC, sodass Sie den Entsperrbefehl nicht über 3G/4G/Wi-Fi senden müssen, sondern den Entsperrbefehl (in Form eines eindeutigen ID-verschlüsselten Codes) an die Tür senden können NFC auf Ihrem Telefon lokal (nachdem wir das Schloss zuerst mit 5G IoT programmiert haben.
  • Can the room be opened only by the particular guest/user who has the booking?
    We offer a number of opening methods including smartphone unlocking, keycard unlocking, and unlocking with a PIN code. If you want to restrict the unlocking to only the guest that made the booking (or just one user) for any particular room, and nobody else, then the guest will need to unlock with their phone or keycard. Of course with a PIN code, it can be shared with anyone. With any PIN code lock, its impossible to be stop the guest sharing their PIN with anyone (just like an ATM, anyone can share their PIN number, but most people don't).
  • How will the lock cease to start closing after a predefined time to prevent battery leakage?
    Our locks have a battery life of around 1.5 years at 5 openings a day with standard AA batteries. With thionyl chloride (lithium) batteries, this can be extended up to 3 years. The lock stays asleep all the time, and is woken up when the guest presses a star button on the lock, and presents their digital key to the door (in the form of the phone, keycard, or NFC card/token). The lock only wakes up for around 5 seconds to accept the unlock command over the NB IoT network, or to accept the PIN or card - and then the lock goes back to sleep. The lock automatically locks as soon as the door is closed.
  • Do the locks come with a warranty?
    All our locks come with a standard 2 year warranty.
  • What is the default way of opening locks in an emergency?
    All of our locks come with a metal key override.


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