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Product Manuals (3)

Feature videos (3)

Hardware Functionality (9)
Can I use rechargable batteries or my own batteries?
What happens to the smartlocks if there is a blackout?
Can I use my own SIMs?
What material is the smart doorlock made of?
Is the smart doorlock weatherproof? If so what is the IP rating?
What is the warranty period of the smart doorlock?
How do I know if the batteries are running low?
What temperatures can the smart doorlock function under?
How do I unlock the smart doorlock?

How to Video Library (6)
How to unlock your smart doorlock with digital keys app, NFC cards and PINs
How to remote unlock your smart doorlock
How to create different time-sensitive PIN codes
How to do delete PINs
How to make time-sensitive digital keys for yourself and for your users and share them with your users
How to register a user to unlock your smart doorlock

Issues and Troubleshooting (8)
I'm hitting the unlock button in the app, but the doorlock is not unlocking
I've lost my phone/my phone has been stolen or a user/guest has lost their phone/phone has been stolen - what should i do?
I'm not receiving digital keys emails.
I cant sign in to the digital keys app
I'm trying my best to unlock the smart doorlock with a PIN, but its not unlocking
I'm having problems with my smart locks and my questions cannot be found here, what should I do?
I do not have my phone, or keycard with me, (I'm locked out) what can I do to get in?
My lock batteries have completely run out, and I'm locked out, what can I do?

Diagnostics Indicators Library (6)
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