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A platform that was built for security

Our IoT platform is hosted at AWS and it runs our software, Digital Keys apps, API's, and routes commands/data over the global 5G IoT network.


Backed by Amazon infrastructure

With AWS, you can connect your assets anywhere in the world through the most secure, reliable, and extensive cloud infrastructure. Boasting over 200 fully-featured services, AWS operates data centers globally, and provides access to scalable compute, storage, and other resources across more than 40 regions. 


Digital Keys 5G IoT platform

Hosted at AWS, the most advanced cloud

Featuring a virtual secure environment that loads software in your local country to comply with data retention and privacy laws. With millions of active customers and tens of thousands of partners globally, AWS has the largest and most dynamic ecosystem, and supports customers of all sizes, from start-ups to enterprises and public sector organizations.


"Every smartlock has a SIM card that needs to connect to the cellular networks and the AWS cloud securely. It was a smooth process for Digital Keys integrating with Ericsson's IoT Accelerator Cloud Connect, and AWS".

Read news article at Ericsson


You can unlock over the 5G IoT networks, and we can also use the networks to program the smartlocks for time-sensitive PIN/digital keys unlocking (with NFC). We extract data from the lock such as who opened at what time and store it in our software database and for analytics.

Digital Keys architecture


A cloud-based platform with the highest security features

Digital Keys IoT platform is hosted inside AWS public cloud with asset management software accounts hosted at AWS in 50 local countries with the highest standards of security and encryption features.

Features that keep you in full control

Our IoT platform means a more reliable, affordable and  convenient solution than Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth 


Learn More at GSMA

Whilst Wi-Fi has been designed mostly for steaming, 5G IoT is designed for low data transfers.


Learn More at AWS

All communications on all levels are running on HTTPs military grade 256 bit encryption.


Learn More at AWS


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