Support and Help Portal
Updated on 15/8/2023

Account Managers can create time-sensitive Digital Keys for users they have added to the system within the Management Software.
1. Click on the 'New Digital Key' box on the dashboard homepage (or on the left side menu)

2. Describe what this key is to be used for (OPTIONAL). This field provides an extra note for yourself/system as to who/where/when you are creating the digital key for. For example key for technician for Friday business work hours.

3. Select the smartlock for which you want to make the digital key for by clicking the button in the ‘Select Smart Lock’ field. A drop-down list of all the smartlocks in your account will appear (registered previously as outlined in section 4) - choose the smartlock on your list you want to create the digital key for.

4 Select the date and time you want the digital key to work for by clicking anywhere inside the field box titled ‘Select date and time range’. This brings up the date and time picker. Click on the date you want the digital key to start working on
5. Click the date you want the digital key to expire (the dates will highlight)
6. Select the time you want the digital key to start working on by clicking on the drop down time field boxes
7. Select the time you want the digital key to expire on the right time boxes.

8. Select the user that you want to make the digital key for in the drop-down user list (all users previously added to your system will be displayed here)

9. Select the role of your user. Choose ‘ROLE-USER’ unless you want them to receive additional features in their digital keys app such as ‘write to keycard’ (this is typically done by the account administrator).

10. Choose the type of digital key you would like to create (PIN (4 -6 digit), app, keycard) by clicking in the corresponding boxes. Select if you would like an automatic email go out to the user telling them a digital key has been created for them, and how to download the digital keys app if they are a first time user, and/or displaying the PIN. When all fields are filled in, click the submit button.

11. The digital key is created and appears in the digital keys table list (e.g see below) - this is a list of all digital keys that have been created) - if the dates for the digital key created is current to the local time, the digital key will display as “ACTIVE”, or if you log back in during the exact times the digital key is set for, it will display “ACTIVE”. Digital Keys that have expired are displayed in the table as “EXPIRED”. All other digital keys coming up in the future are displayed as “UPCOMING”. The user will receive their digital key immediately in the digital keys app in the form of an unlock button after you have generated the screen (if there app is open, they simply refresh the screen). NOTE; The user you have created the digital key for will have to log into the app with the email address you used when you added that user